Survival Adult Abuse Inc was formed in 1982 by a group of concerned citizens in Johnson County. Initially, emergency shelter and a crisis hotline for battered women were the only services that were available for victims of domestic violence. It became quickly apparent that more services were needed.
Currently, our services include, but are not limited to, a crisis hotline for victims to discuss options, emergency shelter, referrals to other agencies, case management, crisis intervention, court advocacy, resource advocacy, professional therapy, support groups, and a volunteer program. Survival House continues to expand and increase its services for Johnson County and Henry County victims.
We believe that no matter what age or gender of an individual, everyone deserves to be loved & feel safe.

Our Mission
Survival Adult Abuse Center, Inc. provides shelter and supportive services to victims of domestic and sexual violence. Through community outreach and education, Survival seeks to reduce the frequency and tolerance of domestic and sexual violence.

Our Vision
The current goal of Survival House, in addition to providing shelter to abused women, men and their children, is to educate the victim, as well as the community, on the nature and dynamics of domestic and sexual violence.